Sunday, September 25, 2011

Architecture Plans as Inspiration

I was visiting Guggenheim Museum and saw a post card of Guggenheim architecture plan, which

inspired me because of its geometric patterns. Then I collected other archi. plans that I found interesting.

 I think the repetition of the shapes can be a great pattern for the graphic design on the garment. 

My Favorite Artists

Four oil paintings by Egon Schiele
- I put one painting on the top of another
painting and changed their opacity, which 
creates a different effect of the look of the painting. 

- bizarre. wild, highly personal Expressionism 
in the painting medium/ Abstract- mixture 
of the landscape and nature with nudity.

Visual Communication- Drawing

Work from 2010-2011

Integrated Studio

Japanese Fashion & Dark Art

I am inspired by Japanese  belives
. Wabi: without decoration or isible luxury
. Sabi: warping and distortion
. Ma: a rich space that possesses incalculable
-Lose shapless fit maximizes the mobility and freedom of the 
body from the clothes. Also it creates a pattern of shadows by
 showing how the light and darkness and how one against 
the other. Japanese Fashion stood outside of the Norms of 
traditional European Asthetics. Commes and Yamamoto 
disfigured the ideal and erotic female silhouettes by diplacing
the parts on the body. 

The contemporary dark art inspires me because of its expression is so sensuous, intriguing and truthful. It appears grotesques, yet humorous and ironic. It blurs the border between reality and abstraction. For instance, Yuka ‘s work depicts an intimate moment between human in a bizarre situation- displaced and exposed body parts. Attorre and Nelson’s works have sometime in common- wrapping, lines, to disfigure the faces. Julien’s use of only black and white with a de-saturated pink color on the background, creating gorgeous patterns. All these artists interoperate their feelings and minds in a sober and mysterious tone ..........  

Saturday, September 24, 2011

... New York At Night... - Architecture

Traffic Light


I don't know why this lock attracted me so much that I set up my tripod and tried my best to capture the feeling it gave me. 

The fountain @ Lincoln Center

@ Lincoln Center 


A CAT Machine
At a construction site

The construction site, the structure of the machine, the light bulbs fascinate me. They don't look like a dirty, chaotic place, instead, I am trying to capture a sense of magic, fairy tale appearance. 

                                @ Financial District, NYC

            @ Financial District, NYC